About us

Vision & Values

Our vision, values and guiding principles

The Demmel Group's vision, values and principles give firm expression to our basic convictions, standards and actions. They guide our long-term strategy and set the direction of our path as a group.

We are guided by the following long-term vision:

We want to be our customers' first and long-term contact for the climate-neutral and resource-conscious development and production of valuable, unique and recyclable products and services. Our high-quality and industrially manufactured products and services are produced by our dedicated employees in safe and modern high-tech locations.

Our values and guiding principles serve as orientation and express the topics and focal points to which we assign the highest priority for achieving our vision.

It is our shared responsibility to align our business activities with the vision, values and guiding principles of the Demmel Group. Each individual can contribute to making our actions sustainable and bringing the guiding documents to live in their daily activities.

You can find our guiding documents under downloads.